What Is Naturopathic Nutrition?
Sometimes known as functional medicine, nutritional therapy or holistic nutrition, naturopathic nutrition is traditionally viewed as a therapy which uses a fresh, natural diet as a treatment for disease.
There is no doubt that this approach can be very successful, especially for individuals whose habitual diet is unhealthy. In fact public health advisors now recommend that we eat at least five (preferably 5-9) daily portions of fresh fruit and vegetables – a policy of which the early naturopaths would have very much approved.
Modern Naturopathic Nutrition
However not all health problems can be resolved simply by eating a better diet. The modern western diet, together with pollution and the excessive use of antibiotics has led to epidemics of long-term health problems such as chronic fatigue syndrome which, while still being curable using natural methods, need a more complex approach.
Modern naturopathic nutritionists are trained in the detailed workings of the body and its metabolism. This enables them not only to explain to individuals how their illness may have started but also to design a tailor-made nutrition and health program, explain how it works, and guide the client through it, adapting it as necessary and working through any problems that may arise.
Naturopathic nutrition is based on good science
A large volume of research which goes back for many decades is not included in the curriculum of most colleges, medical schools and universities. This research consistently demonstrates that methods based on naturopathic nutrition can be very successful in reversing a chronic (long-term) health condition.
In addition to diet and supplements, naturopathic nutritionists also use safe herbal products and are trained to guide individuals through procedures designed to find out whether any specific staple foods are aggravating their condition.
A true alternative to ‘temporary relief’
Chronic diseases such as arthritis, IBS, eczema and women’s hormonal problems cannot be cured by conventional medicine, which relies on palliative (temporary relief) treatments.
On the other hand many people have gained long-term relief by following the advice of a naturopathic nutritionist.
We hope to welcome you to train with us as a naturopathic nutrition advisor.
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